Fedora 35 vs. Survex package

James Begley james.begley at gmail.com
Thu Nov 4 12:07:51 GMT 2021


This is a known issue that Olly is working on - see

Fedora 35 has moved to proj version 8.2.0, which no longer contains the
proj_api stuff that previous versiopns of survex relied on (deprecated
since version 5 or 6, actually removed from version 8.0.0). Previous
versions of fedora had proj v7, which worked with survex 1.2.44 fine, but
moving to proj v8 has had some challenges (v8.0.0 and v8.1.0 both had bugs
that blocked survex). A new release of survex that will build with proj
v8.2.0 is going to be tested this evening, and hopefully will be released
shortly after that.

For the time being, if you want to upgrade to fedora 35 you will need to
uninstall survex first and then reinstall survex once a new build has been


On Thu, 4 Nov 2021 at 11:57, Wookey <wookey at wookware.org> wrote:

> On 2021-11-04 06:36 -0500, Bill Gee wrote:
> > For JM Begley ...  I tried to upgrade one of my test machines to Fedora
> 35 this morning.  It balked with the Survex package.  The message is:
> >
> > Error:
> > Problem: package survex-1.2.44-1.fc34.x86_64 requires
> libproj.so.19()(64bit), but none of the providers can be installed
> >  - proj-7.2.1-2.fc34.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
> >  - problem with installed package survex-1.2.44-1.fc34.x86_64
> >
> > I know it is early in the Fedora 35 cycle - just two days after
> release!  Have you had a chance to look at this yet?
> Not that many Fedora survex users SFAIK, so probably not yet.
> I just had a look and it seems that F35 is on proj 8.2.
> https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/proj/commits/f35
> Althogh my 'all ditrso overview' shows 8.0 in fc35:
> http://sandpiper.linaro.org/upstreamproject/details/proj
> (libproj19
> <http://sandpiper.linaro.org/upstreamproject/details/proj(libproj19>
> comes from proj v7, libproj22 comes from proj v8)
> So I'm not sure if that means they removed proj7 (I'm failing to find
> fedora's 'our package list' pages).
> Survex works with proj8 now (and is in debian), so if you just rebuild
> it in fedora it should pick up the new proj and work. It looks like the
> one in the archive is built against proj 7 but proj7 is no longer
> available? I'm not sure how the fedora machinery works here.
> Wookey
> --
> Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM
> http://wookware.org/
> --
> Survex https://lists.survex.com/mailman/listinfo/survex

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