HowTo: Cavern output in feet

Wookey wookey at
Tue Mar 3 17:06:15 GMT 2015

+++ Bill Gee [2015-03-03 10:32 -0600]:
> Hi Wookey  -
> Thanks!   I suspected there was no option to display the output in feet.  It 
> should be a simple change, so yes - let's add it to the wish list for a future 
> version.  I assume cavern is converting feet to meters internally.  Converting 
> back should be easy.
> Regarding the vertical length - I assumed this was the case.  The resulting 
> total is not terribly useful.  Thanks for the explanation.
> Now that I have used Survex for a few hours, I find that Therion/Loch is much 
> more useful.  For one thing, the .3d file that cavern produces is highly 
> distorted for reasons I have not yet figured out.  It bears no relation 
> whatever to the real shape of the cave.

That's very likely to be accidentally having two stations with the
same name so survex has dutifully warped everything to fit.

Try turning on 'view by error' to see where the problem is, or look in the .err file produced for which legs are involved.

> The one useful thing I get from Survex is the warnings about clino-backclino 
> and compass-backcompass readings that are out of spec.  This led me to a 
> number of data entry errors in the centerline which I have now corrected.

It has various other features not present in Therion, such as
distance-measuring between stations in aven. Entrance and fixed-point
highlighting, ability to spin round a selected station.

Survex and Therion are complimentary as they have different strengths.
Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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