Compiling survex 1.2.11 on Fedora 20

James Begley james.begley at
Sat Mar 15 11:20:13 GMT 2014

Hi Olly,

On 15 March 2014 10:41, Olly Betts <olly at> wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 09:52:06AM +0000, James Begley wrote:
>> The basic issue was the fact that gpx.h requires the proj-devel RPM to be
>> installed. The makefile tries to be clever, and only include the gpx.h file
>> if the findentrances executable is to be compiled (which by default it
>> isnt), but unfortunately the file also includes the gpx.h header
>> file.
> I'm confused - findentrances doesn't use gpx.h at all, and I don't see
> where the makefile "tries to be clever" in the way you describe.
> PROJ is now a requirement to build aven though, which it didn't used
> to be.

Sorry, I was in a rush and badly phrased my email.

gpx.h requires the proj-devel header files, and (now)
requires gpx.h. I was looking for hints as to what the proj_api.h
header file was for and the Makefile contains the following comment

# findentrances needs libproj so is disabled by default for the moment -
# to enable it install the development stuff for libproj and build survex

which confused me (but did lead me to installing the right RPM
package, so I got there in the end)

> That's just in the generated files (they look for the tool they were
> generated with, which was automake-1.14 in this case).
> The simplest way to retool is:
> autoreconf -fiv

Thanks for the hint.

>> Also note that Fedora has renamed the wx packages to include a '3' in the
>> name to be backwards compatible ... so the packages that I needed to have
>> installed were wxBase3, wxGTK3 and wxGTK3-devel
> It looks like wxGTK3 should itself depend on wxBase3, so am I right to
> think that the spec file should read like so:
> BuildRequires: wxGTK3-devel, proj-devel
> Requires: wxGTK3

On Fedora 20, yes. I guess that other RPM based distributions have
followed the same naming conventions :)


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