Compiling survex 1.2.11 on Fedora 20

Olly Betts olly at
Sat Mar 15 10:41:33 GMT 2014

On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 09:52:06AM +0000, James Begley wrote:
> The basic issue was the fact that gpx.h requires the proj-devel RPM to be
> installed. The makefile tries to be clever, and only include the gpx.h file
> if the findentrances executable is to be compiled (which by default it
> isnt), but unfortunately the file also includes the gpx.h header
> file.

I'm confused - findentrances doesn't use gpx.h at all, and I don't see
where the makefile "tries to be clever" in the way you describe.

PROJ is now a requirement to build aven though, which it didn't used
to be.

> Adding proj-devel to the BuildRequires entry in the RPM spec file
> would highlight this issue a bit quicker to anyone else using rpmbuild.

Thanks, added.

> Once I got that working, I decided to include the findentrances in my
> compilation, only to discover that the supplied Makefile was expecting to
> run automake 1.14, but Fedora 20 only packages 1.13, so I went through the
> aclocal / autoconf / automake dance. Nothing in the various makefiles
> actually requires 1.14.

That's just in the generated files (they look for the tool they were
generated with, which was automake-1.14 in this case).

The simplest way to retool is:

autoreconf -fiv

> Since the gpx.h header file actually required now, perhaps the default
> could be changed to so that the findentrances application is compiled by
> default? - assuming that its useful and not just for testing purposes :)

Aven's "export as GPX" now provides most of the functionality of
findentrances, but with a lot more flexibility (it can export other
stations and also passages).  The missing part is a nice way to set up
PROJ so it knows what the coordinates mean - in aven you can actually
set this, but you have to edit the aven config by hand and add a
setting like:

input_projection=+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=13d20 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=-5200000 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=577.326,90.129,463.919,5.137,1.474,5.297,2.4232

If you don't, it assumes the grid CUCC use in Austria.

With findentrances you need to specify that same string, but you can do
it on the command line at least.  So findentrances is mostly just
lingering until that gets sorted out so you can specify this in a
simpler way to aven.

> Also note that Fedora has renamed the wx packages to include a '3' in the
> name to be backwards compatible ... so the packages that I needed to have
> installed were wxBase3, wxGTK3 and wxGTK3-devel

It looks like wxGTK3 should itself depend on wxBase3, so am I right to
think that the spec file should read like so:

BuildRequires: wxGTK3-devel, proj-devel
Requires: wxGTK3

Or something else?


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