Java Caverot applet

Olly Betts
Mon, 8 Oct 2001 16:10:52 +0100

On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 03:47:49PM +0100, Wookey wrote:
> On Fri 05 Oct, clewin griffith wrote:
> > I've build a Java caverot applet.
> > It doesn't do anything fancy, which makes for a small
> > download. Have a peek at
> >
> should I see something in the window? It's blank here.

Yep, you should see a cave rotating!

> This JVM is v1.0.2 - I suspect you are assuming something more recent? There
> probably isn't any actual need to require a newer JVM...

Looking at the source code (link at the bottom of the page) the comment at
the top says:

 *  Survex cave view applet using Java 1.1 

> The whole page is also some 1500 pixels wide, putting the 'Imperial College
> caving club' bit way of the right hand side of the screen - that probably
> wasn't quite what you intended either :-)

Think yourself lucky - with Netscape 4 it extends to halfway across my
second monitor, making it around 2100 pixels wide.

It also stiffs Netscape after running for a bit.  Probably just the creaky
JVM in Netscape 4 though.
