Two Line data format

Richard Knapp richard.f.knapp at
Thu Dec 17 20:06:11 GMT 2020

I know I am doing something simple incorrectly but I can’t find a reference on using two line data entry in this format.

I would like to be able to mimic my survey book format so it is easier to double check my data entry. The book is a two-line format and looks like:

Sta     Dist     Azi     Inc     L     R     U     D
A1                                     1     2    1.5   0.5
          3.3      3.5     -1.0
                   182.5    0.5
A2                                     2      0     1     1

Would my data directive be;

*data normal station ignoreall newline tape compass clino backcompass backclino ignoreall

? It does not seem to account for the extra new line between the front sights and back sights. I tried putting another ’newline’ between clino and backcompass but it didn’t like that.

Also, if a branch ends and a new line starts, do I need to copy the *data directive again? ie I finish the trend above then do a new passage from A1 to A15.

Sorry for my ignorance on this and thank you for any help.

Richard Knapp
Richard.F.Knapp at

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