Exporting to other formats

Matic Di Batista matic.dibatista at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 09:57:35 BST 2020

I have a question regarding exporting to different formats (kml, gpx, svg,
...). We decided to have a raw survex data in a repository on Git hub. With
my friend Alojzij Blatnik, we manage to configure a pipeline that is
triggered whenever we merge to master - svx data is 'compiled' using docker
containers and if pipeline passes, artifacts (3d files) are pushed to a web
hook and data is appended to 'its' cave. Result can be seen here:
https://www.katasterjam.si/Caves/Details?id=10396#dokumenti at the section
"Podatki meritev". User can then visualize .3d file with the help of '

My question is, whether there is an option to somehow call survex API and
export the data (for example) in kml format. With that we could also
display that data on 2d map. I know there is binary for windows, although I
have troubles with making it work. But I would also like to have some more
options of what to export. Because for my use-case only polygon data would
suffice. Also we are using linux containers right now in our pipeline,
although that can be changed.


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