macOS homebrew package (was: Re: Survex 1.2.36 released)

Olly Betts olly at
Wed Jul 25 01:34:50 BST 2018

On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 04:37:52PM +1000, Robert Jones wrote:
> The one thing you do get 'for free' is their CI/hosting of binary bottles,
> but this can be applied to taps also.
> I haven't played much with building binary bottles, and they're by no means
> necessary but I did find some helpful notes on generating these with Travis
> CI in the same manner as the core homebrew team:

That seems quite complicated, especially the need to rebuild when
dependencies get updated.

Binary bottles would be nice, but the Survex build itself is pretty
quick.  The CI macOS build takes 16 seconds to run configure then 129
seconds to run make.  In homebrew it looks like MAKEFLAGS should
automatically default to use the number of processors available, so
divide that 129 by 4 or 8, then add a bit for imperfect scaling.

There's also installing to do, but it's probably still around a minute,
unless the CI host machine is much faster than a typical Mac.

Building the dependencies takes longer, but they shouldn't need building
on every update.


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