Deg invalid in units

Footleg drfootleg at
Thu Jan 12 14:00:53 GMT 2017

This is a subtlety of the GNU licenses I had not appreciated. Is there a
reason Survex choses GPLv2+ over GPLv3+? I just chose the latest at the
time I first published my code. I am happy to send you the files with
permission to include under the Survex license, so that is not a problem.
But I wondered on the merits of my choice of license vs Survex.


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 1:43 AM Olly Betts <olly at> wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 11:01:45PM +0000, Footleg wrote:
> > Thanks for that. Yes I agree updating the manual to match the behaviour
> > makes most sense. I'll update my parser to match Survex actual behaviour
> > too. I'm happy to provide all my test files to the Survex test suite.
> > They'll be included in my source distribution for cave converter under a
> > GPL license when I've finished writing them. I'll send you a link when my
> > release goes out.
> Technically I can't just take files from cave convertor and add them to
> Survex, as cave convertor is GPLv3+ while Survex is GPLv2+ - I'd have to
> change
> Survex to be GPLv3+ to use the two together.  But if you're happy to offer
> them
> licensed under GPLv2 as well as v3 and later that's great.
> Cheers,
>     Olly

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