Export formats

Владимир Георгиев vld.georgiev at gmail.com
Sun Jun 5 09:04:57 BST 2016


I have a suggestion about the KML format. As far as I saw it only exports
the model with absolute altitudes, which are all underground. This might
work in GIS systems, but ​Google Earth doesn't allow transparent terrain
(very unfortunate), so all the shots are not visible. I have to select the
MultiGeometry item and choose "Clamped to ground" to make it visible.
Can you add a "Clamped to ground" option to the KML export so the line plot
is visible by default?

You mention web viewers for the experimental JSON? Are there any such
So far the only ones I know of are the beta .3d and .lox viewer here
http://thedca.org.uk/3d/ and also exporting a .vrml, which can be viewed
with a plugin(Cortona for example) in the browser.


On Sun, Jun 5, 2016 at 3:04 AM, Olly Betts <olly at survex.com> wrote:

> * JSON - experimental export for web-based viewers
> * KML - for use with GIS systems, online map sites, etc

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