Survex 1.2.16 for Mac OS X (was: Re: Survex 1.2.16 released)

Olly Betts olly at
Fri Jan 23 23:51:39 GMT 2015

On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 08:20:23PM -0500, David A. Riggs wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 6:33 PM, Olly Betts <olly at> wrote:
> >
> > We really need some higher resolution versions of the toolbar icons
> > anyway - maybe providing those will fix this.
> I tweaked the .SVG version of the Aven icon using Adobe Illustrator
> (the compass lanyard was "wonky"), and have attached the updated .SVG
> here. I didn't test it using Inkscape (no X11 on this Mac), but you
> probably should before committing it, as Adobe has a bit of an
> "embrace and extend" mentality when it comes to working with SVG.

The list stripped the attachment - do you mean that it's sticking out
slightly from under the "frame" of the compass?

> Then I attempted to create a .ICNS icon file for OS X; this is
> essentially a weird raster pyramid format consisting of 1024px - 16px
> versions of the same image for display at different scales. I built it
> manually, and it looks correct with Preview. But pointing your
>'s info.plist to this .ICNS file failed to actually use the
> new icon. I'm not sure if it's because of the icon file itself,
> because I'm not referencing it correctly in the .plist file, or
> because OS X is cacheing the old icon somehow.

I tried various settings in the plist file with just a PNG, but nothing
shows up.  Unhelpfully there seem to be many different ways to set the
icon, most of which are deprecated, but I failed to find a summary of
what was best to use.


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