Survex question

Chris Smith Chris.Smith at
Fri Jan 23 17:38:01 GMT 2015

Hi Wookey,

I was wondering... how difficult would it be to get Aven/survex to export
the centre line data as a colour coded vector graphic according to
elevation?  It can already export the centre line data as a vector graphic,
but the line vectors are all in black.

I want to include the survey data for Mulu and Draenen in my thesis, but
because I can't export the line vectors in colour I'm forced to do screen
grabs, which is time consuming and low quality.  Also, because the surveys
are quite big and the lines quite small, by the time I've scaled everything
to an appropriate size, the coloured lines themselves are quite small, and
almost invisible on a black background when scaled to fit on an A4 page.

Would adding this functionality, or backward engineering it for two centre
line surveys be relatively easy for someone to do?


Christopher Smith

School of Geographical Sciences
University of Bristol
University Road
Bristol BS8 1SS

Email: chris.smith at
Mob: +44 (0)7480 150 884

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