Survex for scuba dive surveys

Wookey wookey at
Mon Apr 13 16:36:26 BST 2015

+++ Footleg [2015-04-13 16:21 +0100]:
> I have been using the *team flag, but this email thread made me aware that
> I could specify 'surveyor' for cases where it was not recorded who did
> what. But then I just found that I can type any rubbish after *team and
> survex is happy with it. Is that intended?

yes. That field is free-form.

I think that therion only allows a particular set of strings, but
survex doesn't care what you put. As all it currently does is record
this info there doesn't seem much point in dictating how people use it.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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