aven crashing when viewing 3D model of "flat" cave

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Fri Jan 24 03:18:41 GMT 2014

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 08:18:51AM -0700, Jonny Prouty wrote:
> I created some fake data (included below) to try to determine if one of the
> *units quantity types can be used to get survex to correctly read passage
> LRUDs given in feet (no luck so far).

This works for me:

*units left, right, up, down feet

Looks like I failed to add those to the list in the manual.  Sorry, I
will correct that in the next release.

> I haven't attempted to reproduce the error in linux yet. I will send in
> more info once I've been able to do so. Please let me know if there's
> anything else you need.

The example provided is perfect as-is, and shows the problem on Linux

Aven gets confused when trying to apply depth colouring, as it thinks
the survey has no vertical extent, but then discovers it does after all.
I'll sort this out in the next release too.


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