Survex and surface data?

Olly Betts olly at
Tue Jun 4 13:05:26 BST 2013

On Mon, Jun 03, 2013 at 08:28:25AM +0000, Nixon, David (MRO) wrote:
> We've been converting raster grid data to XYZ then to Survex
> topographic point format. This is a Python script. What I could really
> do with knowing is exactly how many points Survex can handle in this
> format, as the topo grids are very large with many points!

I'm not sure if you're talking about processing this data with cavern,
or trying to load it into aven, but either way there isn't a fixed limit
on the number of legs or stations that can be handled.

What sort of grid size are you working with?  And where exactly are you
apparently hitting a limit?

> It would be possible to break the terrain model up into smaller grids,
> which Survex could then handle individually, but it would be useful to
> have a limit to work to.

The only real limit is memory, but modern machines have so much memory
that I'd be surprised if you were hitting that limit.

> Even better would be if Survex was able to increase the array so that
> it can handle bigger grids / more surface points. Is this possible?

There aren't any fixed size arrays to increase the size of.


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