Print preview, LRUDs on vertical caves
wookey at
Sat Jul 6 10:05:11 BST 2013
+++ Footleg [2013-07-05 16:35 +0100]:
> On 5 July 2013 11:32, Olly Betts <olly at> wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, Jul 03, 2013 at 05:59:42AM -0700, Erin Lynch wrote:
> > > I'm running 1.2.6 on Windows 8. I've noticed that once you select the
> > > scale, bearing, etc. for printing, you no longer get a window where
> > > you can page through a preview of how the survey will be split across
> > > multiple pages. That feature was very useful, and I hope you'll bring
> > > it back.
> >
> > It wasn't deliberately removed. Is it gone with a move to Windows 8
> > or an upgrade from an earlier Survex version?
> I've just checked both 1.2.6a and 1.1.14 on Windows 7 and Windows XP
> respectively. I cannot find a feature which lets you page through a
> preview on either of these. There is just the text label under the
> scale picklist which tells you how many pages the print will be split
> over (e.g. 6 pages (3x2) )
I vaguely recall that the original implementation of '(windows) printing
via the system driver' by Phil Underwood was slightly different to what
ended up in official survex releases. Is it possible that Erin had an
ancient version using that support, and then moved to a current
release and thus saw UI differences?
I could be wrong about that - this was all some time ago.
Principal hats: Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM
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