exporting tubes from aven

Wookey wookey at wookware.org
Wed Nov 28 22:01:42 GMT 2012

+++ Erin Lynch [2012-11-25 05:13 -0800]:
> Hi Wookey,

> Is there a version of survex (or a script) which will output the
> passage walls in a vector format (dxf, svg, shp, ...)? I need to make
> a black blob of San Wang Dong for my ICS paper. All of the lrud data
> has been typed in for the system, and it looks great in aven, but
> screenshots aren't high enough resolution for printing.

There is cad3d (part of survex) which converts .3d to dxf.

You can also print to postscript.

This used to be the printps command, but now it's just select a
postscript printer. postscript is trivialy convertible to .pdf if that

.3d is of course a vector format already.

Fotleg's caveconverter may help, as it should let you read the survex
data in as therion data, and therion can output svg and dxf and
probably shapefiles.

cc:ing survex list for other suggestions.

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