Survex 1.2.4 released

Olly Betts olly at
Sun Jan 1 03:24:02 GMT 2012

Another year, another release - I've just uploaded Survex 1.2.4:

The main motivation for making this release is that in 1.2.3 aven aborted on
startup on some machines (it was fine on my laptop though - it seems some
OpenGL drivers are more forgiving than others).  

It also improves the labelling of the depth colour key and scale bar, and
includes a few translation updates I overlooked while preparing 1.2.3.

There's no Mac OS X build of this version yet.  If you want to build your own,
see the instructions at:

Here are SHA1 checksums should you want to verify the integrity of the

cbccf7dfa518e0498a75a6bad25d1c537621e08f  survex-1.2.4.tar.gz
c58c649aebff68d33fc84858ed9f747d5a9ff2a5  survex-win32-1.2.4.exe

There are "release notes" on the wiki, which I'll try to keep updated with any
issues found, so take a look there for the latest information:

Please report any issues you find which are not covered in the release notes
to the bug tracker (

Changes in 1.2.4 (2012-01-01):

* aven:

  + A change in 1.2.3 meant that aven tried to use OpenGL before it was
    initialised, which doesn't cause problems in some machines, but causes aven
    to abort on others.  This is now fixed, and there's a check in place to
    help avoid similar issues in future. (ticket#34)

  + Always use metres or feet for the depth colour key, and chose a consistent
    precision by looking at the depth range. (ticket#30)

  + Show the depth units below the colour bar rather than after every value.

  + When zooming way in, stay in metres rather than switching to cm.

  + On the scale bar, say “1 mile” rather than “1 miles”.

* Translation updates for Catalan, French and Slovak.

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