Windows 8 (was Re: aven on iPad?)

Footleg drfootleg at
Sun Dec 9 20:05:38 GMT 2012

Olly, All that appears is that message (text as you gave it). It appears
when you open Aven by itself, or via opening a file. Nothing else is shown
apart from the error message in a message box. When you close the message
box nothing else is shown.


On 8 December 2012 08:59, Olly Betts <olly at> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 09:42:14AM +0000, Footleg wrote:
> > I discovered this weekend that Aven does not run on Windows 8. It just
> > displays an error dialog which says 'An error has occurred. Please
> contact
> > the developers.' or wording to that effect.
> "Bug in program detected! Please report this to the authors" (or else it
> is coming from something else).
> I had a look at the code, and there are a number of places where this
> could be coming from, so I'm going to need some clues to help narrow
> down what's going wrong.
> Do you get the same error whether you're starting aven by itself, or
> starting it loading a file (e.g. by double clicking the file)?
> And does the aven window appear, or just the error dialog?
> Cheers,
>     Olly

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