Printing w/tubes

Jarvist Moore Frost jarvist at
Fri Nov 18 15:45:58 GMT 2011

Ah, for sure. Works exactly the same way on unix. It's just that I'm rather
incompetent when given a mouse, and can barely resist a few random clicks
around the place.

It might be useful to make the views reproducible for other reasons too,
though I guess there's also the problem with how the view interacts with
different sized viewports.
I did a visualisation where I place a fixed point at the altitude + x/y
coordinate of a place where we see the mountain from, and overlayed the
(perspective) survey with a photograph. Getting them to line up was all a
bit vague, as I simply zoomed until the field of view of the DEM surface
agreed with the outline of the mountain.



On 18 November 2011 13:42, Footleg <drfootleg at> wrote:

> I set the zoom and rotation I require before taking the first screen grab.
> Then drag the survey using the right mouse button (on a Windows machine).
> That way it drags without any risk of changing the zoom or rotation.
> Footleg
> On 18 November 2011 11:32, Jarvist Moore Frost <jarvist at> wrote:
> > Ingenious! That's a very useful workaround to remember.
> >
> > I assume that Aven does the rotation discretised to integer degrees? So
> > that even if you wobble the survey you can return it to the correct
> > orientation if you note the view angle. A pity there's no equivalent for
> > the scale / zoom.
> > I wonder if you could override the '[' ']' scaling keys so that rather
> > than start at the arbitrary current level of zoom, they jump to a nearby
> > discretised scaling. Currently they seem to jump about 5% with each key
> > press, but that could just as easily jump to the nearest place on a
> > logarithmic scale.
> >
> > Jarv
> >
> >
> > On 18 November 2011 09:13, Footleg <drfootleg at> wrote:
> >
> >> So as long as you do no scale
> >> or rotate between screen grabs, you can take several screen shots of
> >> different parts of the model and rejoin them all together in an image
> >> editor.
> >>
> >
> >
> --
> Survex

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