linux survex 1.1.12 insall help please

Wookey wookey at
Sun Jun 13 21:24:35 BST 2010

+++ Henry Rockliff [2010-06-10 14:01 +0100]:
> hi 
> if any one feels like helping a not very competent linux user though
> instalation of 1.1.12 so i can look at the survays of interest in aven
> (why do people have to publish in a trial versions) 

I would but I'm on hols at the moment round scotland. Just got net
access for a mo.

A bit more info like what distribution you are installling on (ubuntu,
debian, redhat, suse, something else) would help (packages for the
first two are available which should be dead easy to install).

And what problems if any you found so far?

Principal hats:  Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard

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