Unicode wx

Philip Schuchardt ohc at vt.edu
Tue Mar 25 12:06:05 GMT 2008

You can also compile another version of wxWidgets, install it somewhere else 
and then use its wx-config.  Then you have multiple versions of wxWidgets 
using unicode and ascii.  The way doesn't break other applications that use 
wxWidgets with unicode.


On Tuesday 25 March 2008 7:59 am, Wookey wrote:
> On 2008-03-25 09:07 +0100, Martin Sluka wrote:
> > hi,
> >
> > I have the problem with compilation of Survex on MacOSX. See error
> > message:
> >
> > configure: error: '/usr/local/bin/wx-config' is for a unicode build
> > of wxWidgets - Survex requires a non-unicode build
> >
> > Is there nay way to compile the survex with unicode WX?
> You could use the patch from the Debian version. You may
> also need to nobble the configure test that is complaining above,
> although th4e survex version doesn't - not sure how that works without
> a proper look.
> patch: (probably including some debian-specific bits of cruft you don't
> need)
> http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/s/survex/survex_1.0.39.1-2.diff.gz
> Wookey
> --
> Principal hats:  Balloonz - Toby Churchill - Aleph One - Debian
> http://wookware.org/

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