AW: Syntax for vertical passages (and LRUD in general)

Wookey wookey at
Tue Aug 14 11:23:22 BST 2007

On 2007-08-14 11:11 +0100, Loeffler, David wrote:
>    > Also ignoreall or ignore or 'description' does not seem to work in
>    > *passage either, which is tiresome. This may just be a case of not
>    > reading the detructions properly, but in fact it seems hat *data
>    > passage is not actually documented yet (it is in v1.0.39 isn't it?).
>    > That I can fix.
>    Really? I've had no problems with it ignoring descriptions, using the
>    incantation "*data passage station left right up down ignoreall". This is
>    used heavily throughout the CUCC dataset and seems to work fine for me,
>    both in Survex 1.1 and 1.0.39.

OK. that must be finger trouble then. I don't have the current dataset
here to check whatever it was that gave me hassle on expo.

>    I notice you talk of *passage rather than *data passage. I wondered
>    if *passage was maybe an earlier deprecated version with some features
>    broken, but Cavern v1.0.39 claims never to have heard of it, so presumably
>    that was a typo.

Yes, sorry.

>    Multiple values for LRUDS are an issue though; I recall Duncan+Erin
>    complaining about this too. It's not obvious how this would be handled for
>    passage tubes in Aven, but for the tick-marks on printed surveys there's
>    no reason why there can't be multiple ticks.

My thoughts exactly. I think one value has to be the 'main' one for
aven tubes, but secondary ticks would be great for drawing up.

Principal hats:  Balloonz - Toby Churchill - Aleph One - Debian

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