Survex 1.1.8 development snapshot uploaded

Carlos "Guâno" Grohmann carlos.grohmann at
Fri Jun 30 17:34:20 BST 2006

OK. I've never heard about debuild before. I liked it.

So, in the end of the process, it gives me this:

dpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable ${misc:Depends}

but it creates the .deb. I installed it with dpkg, but if I try to run
aven, I get a windows with this error msg:

Can't open message file `en_US' using path `${prefix}/share/survex'


On 6/30/06, Olly Betts <olly at> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 30, 2006 at 07:27:24AM -0300, Carlos Gu?no Grohmann wrote:
> > I couldn't install it on Ubuntu Dapper 6.06.
> > Gives me an "Error: dependency is not satisfiable: libc6"
> Are you trying to install the debian binary package?  That probably
> won't work on Ubuntu, though you might be able to force it to install
> with:
> dpkg -i --force-depends-version survex_1.1.8-1_i386.deb
> That may not work, and isn't really recommended.  It's better to
> rebuild the source package:
> wget
> tar zxf survex_1.1.8-1.tar.gz
> cd survex-1.1.8
> debuild binary
> If the debuild step moans about some missing packages (e.g. fakeroot),
> install them and then retry debuild:
> sudo apt-get install fakeroot
> debuild binary
> Now check that the packages have built:
> cd ..
> ls -l *.deb
> You should now have:
> survex_1.1.8-1_i386.deb
> survex-svxedit_1.1.8-1_i386.deb
> Or if you're not on an i386 box, the files will have amd64 or whatever
> in the name instead.
> Now install using:
> dpkg -i survex_1.1.8-1_i386.deb
> And similarly for svxedit if you want that.
> And you can now delete survex-1.1.8, survex_1.1.8-1.tar.gz, and the
> built packages.
> I'm intending to start providing backported packages for the latest
> Ubuntu but I won't have time to do this before September.
> Cheers,
>     Olly

              Carlos Henrique Grohmann - Guano
  Geologist M.Sc  - Doctorate Student at IGc-USP - Brazil
Linux User #89721  - carlos dot grohmann at gmail dot com
"Good morning, doctors. I have taken the liberty of removing Windows
95 from my hard drive."
--The winning entry in a "What were HAL's first words" contest judged
by 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY creator Arthur C. Clarke

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