plan to elevation transition time

Andy Waddington surveys at
Wed Jan 18 10:32:55 GMT 2006

On Monday 2006-01-16 13:29, Wookey wrote:
> Aven ... 1.0.39 ...

I just thought to check which version of aven I had on one of my machines.
I note that man aven says

aven [options] .3d file

but the man page doesn't mention any options I might use - only the
controls for when it is running.

None of

aven -h
aven --help
aven -v
aven --version

produce anything useful - just the

Gtk-warning **: cannot open display:


It ought to be possible to get some usage info for the program without
needing to be running X - since the man page installed with it doesn't
tell you the version, at least the -v (--version) and -h (--help) options
should be implemented such that they function at the command line.

Alternatively, the man page should state that the program will not
produce anything useful except in a windowing environment and tell
you the version number of the program to which it relates.

[SSH-ing into the machine with this copy of aven from one running
X enables me to determine that the version I am looking at is 1.1.6,
but I'm guessing the same comments apply to 1.0.xx versions, too.]

This version takes about three seconds to make the transition from
plan to elevation on a small .3d file (a wire frame kayak, as it
happens:-), that's running on a 333MHz UltraSparcII box (Sun Ultra10),
X forwarding via a 100Mb/s ethernet to a display on a 1.8 GHz AMD64
machine ... That seems like a good set of ways to slow the process
down, so I would think that the performance here is better than you
are observing with 1.0.39

[If you think this is a strange way of doing things, you should note
that my main workstation only has 2 Gb of memory and is always getting
near to going into swap space - so I do tend to offload a lot of work
to other machines around the house via SSH, especially stuff that is
memory and cpu intensive rather than needing a lot of display bandwidth]

Trying some more of this reveals a "Please report to authors" bug -
I'll mail this separately.


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