Survex 1.0.39 released

John Pybus john at
Fri Feb 3 16:49:15 GMT 2006

Andy Waddington wrote:
> Trying to second guess RPM package names from Debian ones in the debian
> package dependencies is presumably just as difficult as trying it the
> other way round ? I can do "rpm - --whatprovides <missing-file>" on a
> system where that file isn't missing (if I am fortunate enough to have
> more than one system, on one of which Survex or whatever I'm building
> already works...) but that doesn't tell me the name of the debian package,
> 'cos these always seem to be subtly different. A better clue is probably
> to use rpmsearch or rpmfind websites to look for packages containing the
> relevant file ...

I think that the best option for RPM-based Operating Systems is to use a 
package manager.  yum, or apt both work with recent Fedora/Redhat 
systems and configured with package repositories of the core OS and 
extras, can answer your questions: 'yum provides <missing-file>' is the 
equivalent to 'rpm -q --whatprovides <missing-file>' only for all 
packages the system can access rather than just those installed.

Details of what the list of packages is for particular common Linux 
distributions would be a useful addition to the download page/build 
instructions, and next time I build survex I might try and construct one 
for Fedora Core to contribute back to Olly.


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