Survex 1.1.6 "report to authors" bug

Mark Shinwell Mark.Shinwell at
Fri Feb 3 10:34:39 GMT 2006

On Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 09:48:08AM +0000, Andy Waddington wrote:
> On Friday 2006-02-03 04:54, Olly Betts wrote:
> > It pops up in the more mundane situation where you don't have OpenGL
> > support installed (I hit it myself, and it's been reported on here
> > before).
> If you are popping up a "report to authors" message, it implies you
> have trapped the error in your own code. Is there some way to find
> what particular error is causing the problem and use a "don't
> bother to report to authors, known bug outside our control", message
> instead ?

But you do want such problems to be reported to the authors.


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