Survex 1.1.6 development snapshot uploaded

Olly Betts olly at
Thu Oct 13 20:06:43 BST 2005

On Mon, Oct 10, 2005 at 09:45:08PM +0100, Olly Betts wrote:
> * aven: If aven is asked to load a .svx, .dat, or .mak file, run cavern on
>   it, showing cavern's output in a window (with errors and warnings clickable
>   to load the offending file into an editor), and then loading the resulting
>   3d file.

Incidentally, you can set the editor used to view the offending file.
Currently you need to set an environmental variable, but I'll probably
make it a config setting at some point.  The variable is:


On MS Windows, this defaults to "notepad $f", and otherwise to:

x-terminal-emulator -title $t -e vim -c $l $f

Which is great if you use vim on debian, but less ideal otherwise...

The $-codes are:

$f filename
$l line number
$t the warning/error message text
$$ a literal '$', should you want one for some reason

$f and $t are suitably escaped to protect spaces and other characters
so don't go adding your own quotes around them of things will mess up.

If there's no "$f", then " $f" is appended to the command, so you can
just specify the editorname.

Here are suitable strings for a few common Unix editors:

x-terminal-emulator -title $t -e emacs +$l $f
x-terminal-emulator -title $t -e nano +$l $f
x-terminal-emulator -title $t -e jed -g $l $f


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