[therion] Re: translating...

John Pybus john at pybus.org
Fri Jan 21 12:23:19 GMT 2005

Olly Betts wrote:
> Survex doesn't use .po files - it has its own i18n system (it was
> written before GNU gettext was!)  There are a few .po files in the
> install, but they're from wxWindows.
> What are these problems with Survex and Slovak?  I don't recall anyone
> reporting them to me...

This reminds me, I've had a few problems with survex due to the i18n 
build system.  Redhat/Fedora use a UTF8 local by default, and with a 
standard "./configure; make" this means perl runs the msg.pl script in 
Unicode mode and it makes corrupt .msg files.

Once I worked out what was wrong it was easy enough to work around it 
with "LANG=C make", but the build process/perl script should probably be 



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