survex CVS code

Mark Shinwell
Mon, 24 Nov 2003 19:08:07 +0000

On Mon, Nov 24, 2003 at 06:56:39PM +0000, John P N Pybus wrote:
> I managed to build the 1.1 project.  When I run aven it will load a 
> survey, and allow me to manipulate it but very quickly freezes -- 
> locking up X windows totally in the process. Aven's controlling tyy 
> gives the output:
> OpenGL error: Stack Overflow: call glCallList in function DrawList
> (or similar, I had to copy this from  ahand scribbled note)

That is most interesting; I am experiencing considerable difficulties on
my own desktop machine (and I first wrote the GL code!).  I don't get X
server crashes but the whole thing is terribly unresponsive and it is
quite unclear why this might be the case (there are no error messages
forthcoming).  I have some suspicions but cannot yet understand why the
suspect library calls may be causing a problem.  (Nothing to do with
glCallList, incidentally, but you never know.)

Could you let me know what your exact hardware and software
configuration is (run "glxinfo") as it might assist with investigations.

Mark Shinwell -- --
Theory and Semantics Group, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory