Left, right, up, down

John Halleck John.Halleck@utah.edu
Mon, 10 Nov 2003 09:44:38 -0700 (MST)

On Mon, 10 Nov 2003, Wookey wrote:

> [...]
> The problem with LRUD info in this form ( on the same line as the main
> readings, as output by SMAPS and compass) is that it's not clear which
> station the data goes with (FROM, TO, NEW station or, OLD station), and
> whether it is all 'looking in', 'looking out' or 'in the direction of the
> shot'. We need a way of specifying these conventions too. that's going to be
> a 1.1 thing and I suspect Olly has a plan...

 And, back in the years that this used to be debated dayly, you also don't
 know if it was measured perpendular to incomming, outgoing, or whether
 it was the average of the two.

> [...]