Survex 1.0.17 released

Olly Betts
Tue, 24 Sep 2002 20:51:36 +0100

We proudly present Survex 1.0.17:

No versions for RISC OS or MSDOS on 286 or earlier machines this time.
Nothing relevant to them has changed since 1.0.14.

Here's the usual summary of changes in 1.0.17:

* (MS Windows Version): Fixed "Open in SvxEdit" to work (and if tcl isn't
  install this action now falls back to using notepad).  SvxEdit now has
  its own icon.

* (Unix Version): Install mime types, icons, and file associations for Gnome.
  Note: at present GMC doesn't seem to notice new files being created (e.g.
  Process on a .svx file creates .3d and .err files) - you have to manually
  refresh the view.

* Minor update to manual.
