Test CD Image

Olly Betts olly@survex.com
Thu, 30 May 2002 02:20:33 +0100

I've uploaded a CD image for anyone interested to test.  It's of 1.0.10 (since
I don't have all the debian packages for 1.0.11 yet), so not of actual use,
but you can see how things are laid out, and let me know if anything could be

It's a large file (nearly 22Mb) so probably not for those on modems.  You can
download it from:


It works as an apt source for debian.  So if you insert the CD and run
"apt-cdrom", then debian will install packages off it as it would from
any other apt source.

I tried making it auto-run the installer on MS Windows, but found it to be
annoying.  But if people would generally like that, I can be persuaded.

Here's the top level list:

AUTORUN.INF   (sets the icon for the CD-ROM; hidden except on MS Windows)
DOS           (MSDOS self-extracting zip archives)
DOS286        (MSDOS for 286 and older machines)
Documentation (The documentation in browsable form)
RISCOS        (RISC OS archives)
RPMS          (Binary Packages for Redhat and other rpm based Linuxes)
SRPMS         (Source Packages for Redhat and other rpm based Linuxes)
Sample        (Sample Data archives)
Source        (Source Code archives)
Windows       (MS Windows version)
debian        (debian packages)
index.htm     (redirects to the documentation index page in Documentation)

It's possibly worth supplying the Sample data in unpacked form (at present it's
just in tar.gz, zip, and zip-for-RISCOS.
