Survex 1.0.11 released

Olly Betts
Wed, 29 May 2002 13:00:21 +0100

I've uploaded Survex 1.0.11 to:

This includes a number minor fixes Aven, improvements to PLT file support, and
the addition of support for colour printing (with the MS Windows and native
Postscript drivers).

Extra special thanks are due to Roger Schuster for patiently trying a series of
test versions until I realised what the real problem was, and Martin Green for
testing the colour printouts on MS Windows.

No RISC OS or pre-386 MSDOS versions - the fixes to aven don't affect these
and working with PLT files isn't very relevant, so unless anyone is desperate
to use a colour Postscript printer with these, I'll skip building them this
time around.

I've temporarily added an "slightly less free" rotation mode, which you can
try out by dragging with the left mouse button with Ctrl held down.  It's
just tilt on U/D and pan on L/R.  Let me know what you think, and if it seems
popular I'll add it permanently in a more sensible way.

We've now got most of the items on my "1.0.X" roadmap completed.  Those
remaining are:

+ Repeat readings - e.g. a leg with 2 forward compass readings, or a
  calibration with 3 readings.

+ Produce a CD-ROM - this is pretty much done.  I'll upload a sample ISO image
  for people to comment on shortly.

+ MacOS X version - this builds, but doesn't quite work yet.

+ Aven for MSDOS - this is stalled because of problems building the libraries
  it needs.  I'm hoping they'll come out of beta and then be supplied prebuilt.

And the usual summary of changes in 1.0.11:

* aven: improvements in 1.0.10 to the file type selector only work properly
  on MS Windows, and with wxGtk >= 2.3 on Unix (the latest stable release is
  2.2.9 where this doesn't work).  Fixed to work as well as possible on 2.2.9,
  and as intended on 2.3.

* aven: fixed so that loading PLT files works regardless of the current locale
  (previously it would fail for locales where the decimal character wasn't

* aven: key actions during autorotation no longer temporarily pause

* aven: switching to plan or elevation while rotating is now smooth.

* aven: removed undocumented and confusing "free rotation mode".

* (MS Windows version): aven: focus now set correctly after loading a file by
  double-clicking or from the command line.

* cad3d: write dummy passage dimensions to .plt files to avoid Compass bug.

* printwin/printps: now support coloured printouts.

* print*: fixed to work correctly with PLT files.

* extend: fixed to work correctly with PLT files.

* Updates to Italian translation.

* Minor documentation updates.
