Survex 1.0.3 released

Olly Betts
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 12:53:35 +0000

I've just uploaded Survex 1.0.3.  This fixes the `cad3d --plt' option to
work reliably, and adds some new features.

Download from:

Changes between 1.0.2 and 1.0.3:

* aven: you can now select distances to be displayed in feet (or miles when
  you zoom right out) instead of metres, and angles to be in grads instead
  of degrees.

* aven: show altitude of mouse pointer when in elevation view.

* cad3d: fixed bug which caused --plt to crash on some platforms.

* print*: added "Printing to `XXX'..." message to say where output is being

* Updated French translation; minor updates to other translations (mostly
  sorting out clashing menu shortcuts in aven).

* (Unix version): assorted portability tweaks.
