Problems with over the weekend

Olly Betts
Wed, 5 Jun 2002 17:34:22 +0100

Unfortunately was pretty much unavailable for the last 4 days.
I got back from caving (found a new cave!) on Sunday evening to find it broken,
and there was no way to fix it until this morning (Monday and Tuesday were
public holidays in the UK).  My apologies.

We're now backup again, though you might get the odd "mail delayed" warning
message still until the rest of the net notices.  It's possible (though
unlikely) that there may be another outage in the next week.  Hopefully
it'll be fixed properly then.

For the technically minded, the primary DNS server was switched off (it's
at a company I used to work for, which has been taken over), and after a while
the secondary started to sulk because it couldn't contact the primary.  I can't
change's DNS servers because the owner and contact email addresses
are all at that company too, and now bounce mail.  I should have sorted this
out when I noticed it a few weeks ago, but I've been very busy.

Anyway, I posted the forms needed to resolve this situation this morning, but
in the meantime, the secondary has been tricked into not sulking, so we're
running on one DNS server.  If this machine or its link to the internet goes
down, disappears too.
