Survex 1.0.4 released

Wed, 3 Apr 2002 19:03:27 +0100 (BST)

On Tue 02 Apr, Olly Betts wrote:
> I've just uploaded Survex 1.0.4. 

> * aven: movement with keyboard is now accelerated by Shift as in caverot.
> * aven: tracked down two uninitialised variables which seems to fix the
>   failure to load a survey on startup which some people have been experiencing
>   on Microsoft Windows.
> * aven: code cleaned up - should improve performance a little.

I've just built this for debian (didn't manage to build 1.0.2 at all or 1.0.3
in a timely manner due to tech probs, which turn out to be something odd with
nfs claiming files don't exist when they do).

Anyway. Aven segfaults if you try to open something that isn't a .3d file (eg
a .svx file or a Debian .dsc file). If you run it on the same file from the
command line then it pops up a window telling you it's not a valid 3d file
and then opens it's main window OK.

Version 1.0.1 does not suffer this problem, correctly saying 'bad 3d image

Looks like some room for improvement here. I'm inclined not to upload this
release to replace the 1.0.1 currently in Debian unless we think this serious
flaw is outweighed by the other imporovements.

The 1.0.3 I've built won't install (looks like NFS aggro again). I'll try and
see which version this proba actually appeared at.

Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK  Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679
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