Set decimal comma problem

Roger Schuster
Tue, 22 May 2001 17:54:25 +0200 (CEST)

Hello cavers,

because here in good ol' Germany we use the comma as decimal separator I
tried the *set decimal comma command in Survex 0.96. This doesn't work and
cavern throws an error message like "Testloch.svx:11: End of line not blank
in this line: 4 0 5,18 33 256
Ignoring rest of line" for each line of data in my *.svx file. If I use
another sign like / as decimal separator it does well but this isn't very
useful of course. 

I think the problem is caused by the comma already defined as "white space"
character in Survex which threads the 5,18 from the example above as two
numbers 5 and 18 instead of one number 15.8. 

My next attempt was re-defining the blank character using *set blank
SpaceTab one line above the *set decimal Comma line but now Survex complains
"Testloch.svx:7: Character      ' not allowed in station name (use *SET
NAMES to set allowed characters)
cavern: No survey data". 

What's the reason of the problem? Any hints? 

Here's a complete example file: 

*set Blank SpaceTab
*set Decimal Comma 
*data Normal From To Length Gradient Bearing
*begin 106.1

0	1	5,18	29	194
1	2	3,33	3	148
2	3	2,24	-10	47
3	4	8,70	-36	12
4	0	5,18	33	256

*end 106.1

Thank you & good caving
