Chasm 0.5.2 released: bug fix and KDE/Gnome ScreenSavers

Philip Underwood
Sun, 20 May 2001 17:22:56 +0100

I've released a bug-fix for Chasm
 - it no longer crashes when asked to reprocess a data file from the svxpad   
   or generating a new file.
 - Users of KDE or Gnome can now use chasm for their screen-saver (installed 
automatically if using rpms, otherwise you'll have to put schasm.desktop 
(Gnome) or KChasm.desktop(KDE) [found in the src directory from the tarball] 
into where the other screensavers are.

Incidentally, I've moved the website to somewhere proper...
it can be found at
Phil Underwood <>
Fighting disease, illness, and little flaky bits throughout the North West.