Survex 0.95 prerelease 7 and xcaverot's rubber band.
Michael Lake
Fri, 27 Oct 2000 20:32:44 +1100
Olly Betts wrote:
> In message <>, Michael Lake writes:
> >As a comment on the latest xcaverot I notice that there now
> >appears to be some 'new feature' where the cave rotates or
> >tilts for a little while after you have stopped moving the
> >mouse. Some time lag appears to have been incorporated.
> Which version were you using before which didn't do this? I think it's
> always been like this (I checked 0.93 and it does the same). The effect is
> because the X events get buffered up, but it's only noticable on a slower
> machine and/or with a larger survey where a backlog builds up.
> Aven avoids this problem by purging the event queue - Xcaverot should
> probably do the same.
Oh?. last version I compiled was prob 0.95 release 1 The
only change between then and now is that Im using Debian
instead of Redhat and lots of libs are now upgraded. The
previous version I was running didn't have any 'buffering'
probs with xcaverot. I really did think it was a new
feature. I'll put the old one back on this w/end and have a
look at the difference and check version no's.
Michael Lake
University of Technology, Sydney
Email: Ph: 02 9514 1724 Fx: 02
9514 1628
Linux enthusiast, active caver and interested in anything