Spud thoughts

Philip Underwood furbrain@furbrain.screaming.net
Mon, 2 Oct 2000 19:40:39 +0100

On Sun, 01 Oct 2000, Mark Shinwell wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 30, 2000 at 05:47:03PM +0100, Philip Underwood wrote:
> > A selection of thoughts regarding the data structures needed for spud.
> Will digest.
> I've created a web page containing my thoughts on Spud at
> 	http://mrs30.quns.cam.ac.uk/mark/spud.html
> and intend to use this instead of writing long emails as a way of
> disseminating information.  It will be updated frequently.
> Mark
Have looked at your page. Assume that all the stuff I have suggested has been 
modified in accordance with this (should just be the thing about classes not 
having public fields). I agree with not having hungarian vars /windows 
TYPEDEFS. Instead, I suggest typedefs with initial caps for typedefs, and 
lower-case + underscores for vars. eg

StationPosition* my_pos;

Regarding the back-end renderers; 
  a) will they access the cave position data by themselves, or just have a 
     series of lines passed to them?
  b) can we have a way of telling the renderer to add on screen furniture 
     (such as a scale bar etc. - this would require a primitive graphics
      library interface eg DrawLine DrawCircle DrawText DrawPoint) or should
      we have the back-end capable of drawing specific things such as a
      scalebar by itself, and just turn this on/off from the rest of the code?
Phil Underwood <furbrain@furbrain.screaming.net>
Fighting disease, illness, and little flaky bits throughout the North West.