CSG Meeting Proposition (April 26 - 28)

Andrew Atkinson andrew at wotcc.org.uk
Sat Mar 16 08:16:38 GMT 2024

On 16 March 2024 03:53:54 GMT, Wookey <wookey at wookware.org> wrote:
>On 2024-03-10 22:26 +0000, Jonathan Lester wrote:
>> I was wondering what consensus would be for a meet on the (April 26 - 28)
>> either at the TSG and using the BCA Library, Or Red Rose?
>Much as I enjoy a survey nerding weekend, that is the CUCC 75th
>Aniversary weekend (Kettlewell) so doesn't work for me.

I'm away, if I wasn't I would be going to the 75th. Lots of people who are potentially likely to turn up to a survey weekend have links to CUCC so likely to not be a good date 
>> Then potentially we can have a Oct/Nov one down in Mendip maybe?
>We might be a bit late for setting dates at this end of the year as
>Spring is already pretty-much upon us, and people's calendars will be
>filling up.
>It might be better just to set a date/venue in November, giving people plenty of warning?
I agree with Wookey. It is better to have a bit more notice 


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