From olly at Thu Jul 4 06:05:46 2024 From: olly at (Olly Betts) Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2024 17:05:46 +1200 Subject: Survex 1.4.9 released Message-ID: Survex 1.4.9 is now available: Here's the full NEWS file entry for this release: Changes in 1.4.9 (2024-07-04): * aven: + Support showing geodata overlays in Aven. We use the GDAL library to load the data, so this should work for any format which GDAL supports so long as it can be read from the filing system and is geo-referenced vector data - see for a list. Currently the dialog to select a file defaults to showing GPX, KML, GeoJSON and shape files - set the filter to "All Files" to chose other formats. + Reimplement display of cavern output. The old version turned the log into HTML and displayed it using wxHtmlWindow, but that adds a lot of overhead and is especially inefficient if there are many diagnostics - cavern could finish almost instantly yet aven could take many seconds to process the output. The new version renders directly from the log data. It should have most of the features from before - the only missing feature I'm currently aware of is that you can't now select and copy text from the log window, which wxHtmlWindow provided for free. If people miss this feature, we could add it to the new implementation. + (Microsoft Windows version): Clicks in the cavern log window which load files into an editor now protect the filename if it starts with a dash to prevent it being interpreted as a command line option. We already do this for other platforms, but weren't on Microsoft Windows on the assumption that it isn't needed because the filenames will be fully qualified, but that may not be the case if aven if run by hand from the command line or from some other launcher. * cavern: + Add support for processing Walls format survey data (.SRV and .WPJ files). This support is somewhat experimental but at a point where it seems useful to make it easier for people to try out. See the manual for a list of known shortcomings. Thanks to Eric C. Landgraf for a lot of testing and encouragement. + Fix bug with Compass DAT diving data. If a survey uses the depth gauge then since 1.4.6 we set its style to "diving", but we weren't clearing that so all surveys after than in the same DAT file were also set as "diving". + When parsing of Compass DAT files we report errors in more cases if the input doesn't conform to the format we expect, rather than potentially quietly misinterpreting the data. + *entrance now suppresses "Unused fixed point" warning. This warning is intended to catch typos, which is much less likely for a station named twice. It's also reasonable to use only *fix and *entrance on a station at the entrance of an unsurveyed cave. + Highlight plumbed clino readings fully in diagnostics. Now the full reading is highlighted instead of just the first character. + Report location of previous fix after "already fixed" error/warning. + Use "info" diagnostic category for "Originally entered here" message. This is more logical as the original *begin isn't something to be warned about, only the reentering is. This was only a warning before because we didn't used to have "info" diagnostics. + Use "info" diagnostic category for message about not reporting further uses of a deprecated feature. Previously this was a warning, but the newer "info" category is more appropriate here. + The message about inventing a fixed point is now an "info" diagnostic which allows us to report a location which is where that station is defined, which may be useful to the user. + Make highlighting position in error reporting more robust. We no longer try to highIight if we calculate a negative column offset, when previously we would print billions of spaces. As far as I know this has never happened in a released version. + Error messages which report the program name now remove any ".exe" suffix. This helps the testsuite by making the expected output the same cross-platform, but also seems slightly nicer for users. * dump3d: + The timestamp reported by DATE_NUMERIC is now printed portably. Previously we were assuming that a time_t is the same size as a long int, which is not true on all platforms. * manual: + (Microsoft Windows version): Update information about installation with/without admin rights. + Summarise support for reading CMAP data and its assumptions and limitations. + Mention Compass, Walls and CMAP support in the importing data howto section. + Drop mention of Rosetta Stal from the manual. The referred to link from our website was removed in 2015 because Rosetta Stal hadn't been updated for 13.5 years at that point. Now the domain it was available from has lapsed and is a domain squatter "for sale" page. * img library: + The coordinates in CMAP data are in feet but we were dividing rather than multiplying by the conversion factor to get metres so all coordinates were about 10.76 times too large. + Stations in CMAP "station" variant XYZ files are now flagged as underground (as they always have been for "shot" variant XYZ files). + When reading CMAP XYZ files, we no longer emit duplicate img_LABEL for stations in loops. + A CMAP XYZ file without a survey title is now handled correctly (this was reporting a bogus "Out of memory" error). + The img.h header now defines constants IMG_VERSION_SURVEX_POS, etc for the values reported in the version field for non-.3d formats. + (Microsoft Windows version): Workaround limitation of Microsoft's C library so we handle dates before 1970 in Compass PLT files, CMAP XYZ files, and older format .3d files. Previously these were reported as "unknown date". * We now support overriding the location of support files by setting the SURVEXLIB environment variable. We no longer look at the srcdir environment variable for this. * (Microsoft Windows version): The installer is now created automatically on Github actions, which has required a few changes. It now packages a 64-bit build, and is created with Innosetup 6.3.2 which no longer supports Vista. The installer is also now significantly larger, which is mostly because we now need to include a large number of DLLs, most of which are dependencies of the mingw64 FFmpeg and GDAL packages. * (Microsoft Windows version): If the directory where we expect the PROJ support files to be does not exist for some reason we now avoid triggering a segmentation fault in PROJ. * Build system: + The GDAL library is now required to build Survex. + (Microsoft Windows version): The probe for GL and GLU libraries now also checks for Microsoft's non-standard library names. + Correct configure --help output for --enable-werror for which the default is actually "no" rather than "maintainer-mode". * testsuite: + aven.tst: Skip a testcase when running on mingw as it seems to hang there. We already skip this testcase on macos for what appears to be the same problem. + Fix comparison of output to work on platforms using DOS line endings. Here are SHA256 checksums should you want to verify the integrity of the files: 0bf33b188af4aedde969b371434ba2b68e7aa0e4d602e4318c2d121a67dfdb0e survex-1.4.9.tar.gz b2995a9b94196f2a1419c082fcafe20734d25c0c432dbf0bfe57f85f58423223 survex-win32-1.4.9.exe There are also detached GPG signatures in the download directory: There are "release notes" on the wiki, which I'll try to keep updated with any issues found, so take a look there for the latest information: Please report any issues you find which are not covered in the release notes to the bug tracker: Cheers, Olly -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 833 bytes Desc: not available URL: From olly at Thu Jul 4 21:10:54 2024 From: olly at (Olly Betts) Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2024 21:10:54 +0100 Subject: Survex 1.4.9 released In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> On Thu, Jul 04, 2024 at 05:05:46PM +1200, Olly Betts wrote: > + Mention Compass, Walls and CMAP support in the importing data howto > section. Eric C. Landgraf spotted a problem with the new manual chapters - I'd annotated them both to use the same HTML filename so the "Walls" chapter was getting overwritten in the multi-file HTML version. I've put a fixed version on the website: Cheers, Olly From olly at Mon Aug 5 04:49:35 2024 From: olly at (Olly Betts) Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2024 15:49:35 +1200 Subject: Survex 1.4.10 released Message-ID: Survex 1.4.10 is now available: Here's the full NEWS file entry for this release: Changes in 1.4.10 (2024-08-05): * aven: + Use a fixed rotation rate for rotating the view to North, South, East or West (shortcut keys `N`, `S`, `E` and `W`). We were using the same variable rate which auto-rotation does for this case, but really these are just animations to help the user see the change that's happening, so a fixed rate makes more sense (and is what tilting to plan or elevation does). The new fixed rotation rate for this is double what the default variable rate was, which means the longest rotation (e.g. from S to N) takes 3 seconds rather than 6. * aven/survexport: + Fix syntax of shot flags in PLT export (incorrect since introduced in 1.4.6). + Map Survex duplicate flag to `L` shot flag in PLT export. + Invent shorter names for anonymous stations in PLT export. The PLT file format documentation says station names can be up to 12 characters, but the ones we generated were longer than this which is liable to trip up consumers of this format that only allow for the specified length. We now generate names using a sequential counter with a two character prefix so they should fit in the 12 character limit for any cave survey. + 3D export now includes all leg and station flags. * cavern: + Unconnected survey stations are now handled as a warning, whereas previously this was an error. This is necessary when processing Walls data where it seems having hanging surveys is the norm, and Walls itself only warns about them. The support is also enabled for native Survex data since it allows viewing the connected parts of a survey with missing connections without having to comment out the unconnected parts (and then remember to fully uncomment once connections are surveyed). Fixes #16, reported by Duncan Collis. Currently the component count and loop count are not shown in this case. + Avoid multiple reports of an unconnected survey station. This could happen in some cases where a group of equated stations had more than four legs connected to it. + Fix missing report of unconnected survey station. We aim to report at least one station in every unconnected piece of survey, but if a piece had been simplified to a single station which was anonymous (e.g. a disto splay shot) then we wouldn't report anything for that piece. Now we find the traverse that was attached to it and report the next station along that traverse. + Report file and line location each unconnected survey station. + This warning now says either `*entrance` or `*export` depending on which it actually was: Station "bar.1" referred to by *entrance or *export but never used + Fix several cases of mishandling comments without blanks before them: - After an anonymous station. - After an ignored reading. The `ignore` would incorrectly also skip the comment character and any characters which followed up to the next blank or end of line. - In a `*alias` command. - Diagnostic highlighting could continue into a comment. + New `*cartesian` command which supports different orientations of `cartesian` style data. + Anonymous stations are now supported in `cartesian` style data. + `*fix a reference` (without any coordinates) is now an error. The `reference` token provides a way to have a list of known fixed points which are not expected to all be currently used, while omitting the coordinates provides a way to specify a point to arbitrarily fix rather than rely on cavern picking one. Allowing both together doesn't really make sense. + Improve check for 180? backclino to suppress the warning about a compass reading on a plumbed leg (introduced in 1.4.8) to allow a small tolerance on the value. Previously the check wasn't working on x86 Linux for example. + When showing a line as the location of a diagnostic we now render any tab character as a single space which means the `^~~~~` highlight length is now correct even when the highlighted part contains tabs. This only affects use from a terminal as the highlight was already correctly handled when viewing the log in aven. + Enhancements and fixes to reading Walls WPJ and SRV files (thanks to Eric C. Landgraf and Joe for a lot of great feedback from testing with large datasets): - The `RECT=` option is now fully supported. - Fix `#DATE` with an active `.REF` to act like `DECL=`. This matches what the documentation says and what Walls seems to actually do. - Allow completely omitting the clino on a wall shot (with `ORDER=DAV` or `ORDER=ADV`). - Resolve WPJ `.PATH` relative to innermost containing book. - Handle an empty Walls station name. Walls allows a station with an explicit prefix to have an empty name, e.g. `PEP:`. The Walls documentation doesn't mention this, though it also doesn't explicitly say the name can't be empty. This quirk seems unlikely to be intentionally used and Survex doesn't allow an empty station name, so we issue a warning and use the name `empty name` (which has a space in, so can't collide with a real Walls station name which can't contain a space) - so `PEP:` in Walls becomes `PEP.empty name` in Survex. - Flag stations with explicit Walls prefix as exported. - Fix setting empty Walls macro with a comment right after it. - Walls quietly ignores junk after the numeric argument in `TYPEAB=`, `TYPEVB=`, `UV=`, `UVH=`, and `UVV=`. This seems to be an undocumented feature/bug so Survex emits a warning and skips the junk. - After an unknown Walls option we now process the rest of the line. Previously we were skipping the rest of the line. - We no longer skip the rest of the line after a bad Walls `ORDER=` option. - Correct the reported column for some Walls option diagnostics. - Support explicit units on Walls clino readings. - Allow `#` in Walls station names. This is explicitly documented as not allowed, but the documentation doesn't match the implementation and `#` is present in some real-world data. - Improve handling of Walls `RESTORE` error. Highlight the position in the line and don't skip the rest of the line. - Don't warn about `INCH=` with a zero argument since that's the one case of it we do handle! - Fix not to skip the rest of the line after Walls `INCH=` option. We currently don't support `INCH=` so we warn about it, but we were skipping the rest of the line, then trying to read and discard the argument to `INCH=` which gave an error. - Relax handling of Walls `CASE=`. It's not documented, but Walls32.exe quietly treats unknown values as "Mixed". - Support DM and DMS format for latitude and longitude in Walls `#FIX`, e.g. `W97:43.875` and `W97:43:52.5` . - Treat a zero length leg with finite variance like a Survex `*equate`. - Apply Walls variance overrides to survey legs. - The optional instrument and target heights are now parsed, but their values are currently ignored. - The delimiters around LRUD data are now parsed, but the LRUD data between them is currently ignored. - If a `#SEGMENT` value looks like a set of Compass shot flags (i.e. consists only of upper case characters from `CLPSX`, optionally prefixed with a `/` or `\`) then we interpret them as Compass shot flags (except that `X` is mapped the same way as `L`). This is apparently a common way to use `#SEGMENT`, and unlikely to be triggered accidentally. - Avoid a doubled directory separator when building Walls path names. * documentation: + The manual has been converted from DocBook to reStructured Text. The plain-text format is much easier for making changes, and for users the output from sphinx looks nicer and has extra features (like built-in "Quick search" in the HTML output). The plain text version of the manual is no longer generated. Sphinx can produce one but the .rst sources actually seem more readable for anyone wanting to read the manual in plain text. The extra targets to generate the manual in RTF and PostScript have been dropped as I doubt they are still used (we stopped providing them on the website years ago). They could probably be reinstated if there's a demand for them. The conversion was partly automated followed by a full pass over the result fixing issues with the automated conversion. We took the opportunity to also review the content and update or remove out of date and other incorrect information, and to reorder some of the content. + Document all the statistics in the `.err` file + Document PLT export. + Minor improvements to --help output + The HTML version of the 1.4.9 manual was missing the Walls chapter and had messed up paging links around it (due to the new CMAP chapter accidentally also being given the filename `walls.htm`). Reported by Eric C. Landgraf. + Document we don't enforce Walls' station or prefix length limits. + Document handling of Walls `#NOTE`. + Fix documentation of Walls `FLAG=` which is correctly handled, not skipped. + Document how to compare Walls and Survex output via Shapefile. + Document how to suppress unused fixed point warning in Walls SRV. * testsuite: + Add testcase for Walls `#units order=da`. + Add expected output for more testcases + Add testcase for exporting .3d files. + Normalise `-0.00` to `0.00` in DXF output before comparing to avoid bogus test failures due to excess precision on x86 when using 387 FP instructions. + Add test of DXF export with full coordinates. * translations: + Diagnostics can now use positional arguments which sometimes allows a more natural word order in a translated message. Here are SHA256 checksums should you want to verify the integrity of the files: 98b265fd4b959adc2ed853b8638312d16935cfa32f215aec3798eb3596696297 survex-1.4.10.tar.gz 3207d9e305363e071c279d537677ce75c66fe65a6409f4f946eb4402d769d742 survex-win32-1.4.10.exe There are also detached GPG signatures in the download directory: There are "release notes" on the wiki, which I'll try to keep updated with any issues found, so take a look there for the latest information: Please report any issues you find which are not covered in the release notes to the bug tracker: Cheers, Olly -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 833 bytes Desc: not available URL: From olly at Wed Aug 14 01:56:13 2024 From: olly at (Olly Betts) Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 12:56:13 +1200 Subject: Survex 1.4.11 released Message-ID: Survex 1.4.11 is now available: Here's the full NEWS file entry for this release: Changes in 1.4.11 (2024-08-14): * aven: + Add imperial scales for export and printing. Fixes #132, reported by Eric C. Landgraf. * aven/survexport: + HPGL export now uses pen 2 for splays and pen 3 for surface legs. Partly addresses #60. + HPGL export now supports scaling (previous the scale was always 1:40000). + KML export now distinguishes surface legs and splays using different line styles. Partly addresses #60. + Remove Skencil export support. The last release of Skencil was in 2005. There was an attempt to revive the project in 2010, but that didn't lead to another release and seems to have petered out. No current Linux distro (or other package system) seems to have Skencil packages, and the current git version still appears to require Python 2 which is being phased out. * cavern: + Support `*data ignore` to allow ignoring a block of survey data lines. Closes #114, reported by Alastair Gott. + Report error for bad final reading in `*data` command (previously such a bad reading was quietly ignored). + If the survey in `*end` doesn't match that in `*begin` the location of that `*begin` is now reported as well - the second message here is new for example: badbegin.svx:6:8: error: Survey name doesn't match BEGIN *end bar ^~~ badbegin.svx:4:13: info: Corresponding BEGIN was here *begin foo ^~~ + Now shows a context line for a reading which was on the previous line, which can happen for interleaved data styles. + Warn when a token is not followed by a blank, comment or end of line. This is an unintentional tokenisation oddity which has been present for a really long time. We don't want to break files that rely on this (even if they likely only do accidentally) so emit a warning rather than an error. This warning can easily be eliminated by adding a space where indicated, which will work with old and new Survex versions. Fixes #135. + Errors and warnings which report an unexpected token now report a contiguous span of letters and numbers rather than just letters in cases where a number can't follow (which is the majority of cases). + If `*require` isn't satisfied, the `*require` line is now shown for context (especially helpful if there's a comment after the command noting the reason for the requirement, as we now suggest in the manual). + `*require` version parsing improved - spaces are no longer tolerated in a version number and trailing junk after the version number is now handled more consistently. + Fixed several situations in which the highlighting of the context for a diagnostic was off by a small number of columns. + Optimise building of matrix during network solving. + Enhancements and fixes to reading Walls WPJ and SRV files: - After reporting an error for an unsupported datum, we now set the datum to WGS84 to prevent triggering further errors from code which tries to use the datum. - Parse Walls WPJ commands as alphanumeric rather than alphabetic tokens, which better matches how Walls parses them. This only makes a difference in the error message when we don't recognise a WPJ command. * Documentation: + Note `feet` are international feet and how to select a different definition in `*units` docs. + Document `grads` are also known as "neugrads" and "gons" in `*units` docs. * Assorted translation updates. * testsuite: + Fix bug in normalisation of `-0.00` to `0.00` in DXF output before comparing with expected output. * Update and improve vim syntax highlighting: + `*cartesian` added + `*data ignore` added + `mils` units now highlighted as deprecated + `UP` and `DOWN` are no longer highlighted anywhere in a command + `U`, `D`, `LEVEL`, `-V`, `+V`, `.`, `..` and `...` now highlighted in data lines + Repeated `NOT` in `*flags` is now highlighted as an error + Fix error highlighting for unquoted `*include` to not flag an error just because there's a comment after the filename + Fix error highlighting for unquoted `*include` to work when there's whitespace between `*` and `include` Here are SHA256 checksums should you want to verify the integrity of the files: 43ef3ab037d4df36214619e73b6adfcf0985dc29963d87087f655e41cb4867b6 survex-1.4.11.tar.gz a9b30cc348d10f86e4f79a29fdaea377f0e4127f16a7434cbf4d0b9baf2aae53 survex-win32-1.4.11.exe There are also detached GPG signatures in the download directory: There are "release notes" on the wiki, which I'll try to keep updated with any issues found, so take a look there for the latest information: Please report any issues you find which are not covered in the release notes to the bug tracker: Cheers, Olly -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 833 bytes Desc: not available URL: