Survex 1.4.8

Olly Betts olly at
Fri Apr 26 02:13:45 BST 2024

On Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 12:46:31AM +0100, Brian Clipstone wrote:
> I am using Windows 11, Survex 1.4.8 and I get lots of errors saying
> survey name and survey station is the same.
> Survex 1.4.5 works OK.

1.4.8 may be right!  It's not valid to use the same name for a survey
and a station and cavern is meant to report an error, but the existing
check didn't catch all situations - 1.4.8 fixes that, and data that's
always actually always been invalid is now reported as such.

Here's an example of a case that now gives an error but didn't before:

*fix 1 0 0 0
1       2       1.0     0.0     0.0
2       2.1     1.0     90.0    0.0
2.1     2.2     1.0     180.0   0.0

The problem here is that with the default settings "2.1" means "station
1 in survey 2", but "2" is a survey station.

If you simply reverse the order of the data lines then older versions
will also give an error:

*fix 1 0 0 0
2.1     2.2     1.0     180.0   0.0
2       2.1     1.0     90.0    0.0
1       2       1.0     0.0     0.0

If you want to be able to use "." as a character without special meaning
in your survey station names, you need to tell Survex to use a different
character for the survey level separator, and to allow "." in names -
e.g. this works with 1.4.8:

*set separator :
*set names _-.

*fix 1 0 0 0
1       2       1.0     0.0     0.0
2       2.1     1.0     90.0    0.0
2.1     2.2     1.0     180.0   0.0

Processing and viewing this in aven you'll see 2.1 and 2.2 as station
names in the survey tree, whereas the first example creates a weird
double entry for 2 with "2.1" and "2.2" appearing as stations 1 and 2
beneath one of these "2" entries.

This last example also works with older versions, though I'd recommend
using at least 1.4.6 since earlier versions didn't save the separator
character in the .3d file, so aven would effectively always use "." when
reading a .3d file and the survey tree would still be wrong.

If your situation isn't like the above, can you provide an example file
showing the issue?


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