Using Survex files

Olly Betts olly at
Sat Dec 2 20:16:36 GMT 2023

On Fri, Dec 01, 2023 at 10:36:09PM +0000, Rodrigo Severo wrote:
> I am trying to use Survex files with Therion. Apparently Therion only
> accepts Survex 3d files which, as far as I can tell, only includes the
> actual centerline data, not the extra info that I can set in a svx
> file like: team, export, etc.

It's not just centreline data - there's also cross-section data,
and you do get "*export" information in the 3d file - check for
img_SFLAG_EXPORTED in the "flags" member when you've just read an

The *team command is not currently carried through though.  It
exists as a command so that datasets can put this information in
a form where a future version can start to handle it (which seems
more helpful than users having to put the data in comments and then
update a lot of data once support is added).

> I can't see where Aven uses this extra info.

You can view exported points in aven using the "View->Highlight Exported
Points" menu item - they then appear as small blue blobs.


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