Survex issues with Microsoft

Wookey wookey at
Mon Oct 16 20:31:11 BST 2023

On 2023-10-12 10:41 +0100, Kai Trusson wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to get Survex set up on my computer that runs microsoft 11.

Microsoft Windows 11 one presumes :-)

> I've got it set up so that it runs survex from the CUCC website but haven't
> got it to open files on my computer.

This is unclear. Do you mean that you can process a something.svx file
from a URL on the expo website (by double-clicking on it?)
but you can't right-click on a file on your computer and select 'process' (or 'view')?

> I've tried saving them as .svx and that dosent seem to work

You mean that if you copy (for example gsh4.svx above) to your
computer. You can't double-click on it or right-click -> 'process' or
'view' it?

What happens if you try that?

I think we will need slightly more explicit details about what you did
and didn't do, to get to the bottom of it.

Principal hats:  Debian, Wookware, ARM

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