Survex Errors

Wookey wookey at
Sat Aug 5 19:11:12 BST 2023

On 2023-08-05 08:57 +0000, ckuhlmann wrote:
>    Hi Wookey,
>    I've had a look on the GitHub and there appears to be no method for
>    reporting bugs/etc. I'm not sure if this is know already so here is an
>    overview:

You can report bugs at the survex website:
(click on 'bugs and wiki')
Or you can just mail the mailing list, or ask on the matrix or IRC channel (they are bridged so it doesn't matter which you use):
Mailing list:
Matrix channel:
IRC: #survex on

>      * Some Windows users are experiencing errors when exporting and printing
>        from aven.exe. This causes a hard-crash in all cases.

That defo sounds like something worth reporting. Saying which flavours of windows and which versions of survex would make it a useful report. 

I've CC:ed the list in case anyone else has come across this.

Principal hats:  Debian, Wookware, ARM
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