Compile problem Survex 1.2.43 - OSX 12.1

Olly Betts olly at
Thu Feb 24 22:56:36 GMT 2022

On Tue, Jan 04, 2022 at 10:17:08AM +0100, Enrico Fratnik wrote:
> is anyone able to install / compile survex on OSX with the latest OS?
> The problem seems related to the use of the proj7 library and not the proj8
> (the latest for Mac)  but I'm not sure.

Are you installing from homebrew?  If so, this should be fixed now as I
updated the homebrew package in early February to Survex 1.4.1 which
supports proj 8.

If you're installing by hand, try Survex 1.4.1 if you want it to work
with the latest proj.


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