Aven Presentation

Richard Knapp richard.f.knapp at gmail.com
Sun Oct 10 14:10:28 BST 2021

> A friend, not on this group, asked me how one goes about producing a presentation in Aven. Admitting that it's not a feature I'd used, I took a brief look. On the Aven toolbar there is a 'presentation' option which gives options for 'new presentation' and 'play presentation' as well, lower down,  as 'export as movie' but I can find no documentation as to how any of this works. Can anybody help?

Seems you “Mark” a set of views (focus points) and Aven will translate from Mark to Mark. I don’t see any way to control spots you might pause the Presentation aside from manually or adjust the speed it goes from mark to mark but I just started messing with it since it is an excellent question.

Richard Knapp
Richard.F.Knapp at gmail.com

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