Survex feature request

Olly Betts olly at
Sun May 29 01:08:11 BST 2016

On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 06:36:17PM +0100, Chris Smith wrote:
> I was wondering if you had ever given any thought to being able to export
> centre line survey data from Survex so that it is colour coded according to
> elevation, as it appears in the program itself?Would this be easy to
> implement?

I gave quite a detailed answer when you asked before:

> It would also be pretty useful if the export function could export the
> elevation angle, facing, elevation key and scale bar.
> And finally, how easy would it be to implement an export to PDF option?

If you want a PDF with elevation angle, facing and a scale bar, why not
just use "File->Print" and select output as a PDF?

That doesn't give an "elevation key", but without the colour coding
there seems to be no information for it to show...


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